SNZ Events
Epic Swim
High Performance
1990 - Malcolm Champion
1990 - Dave Gerrard
1990 - Gary Hurring
1990 - Jean Hurring (nee Stewart)
1990 - Rebecca Perrott
1995 - Barrie Devenport
1995 - Philippa Gould
1995 - Anthony Mosse
1996 - Meda McKenzie
1996 - Philip Rush
2004 - Danyon Loader
2005 - Duncan Laing (coach)
New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame
Contact details for the New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame Inc
The Railway Station Anzac Avenue Dunedin 9016 |
PO Box 643 Dunedin 9054 |
P. 03 477 7775
F. 03 477 7762 M. 021 411 402 E. ron.p@clear.net.nz |