Pool Length Conversion Tool
To account for the speed advantages of short course pools over long course pools, conversion factors are applied to the swum times to enable comparisons to be made and meet entry times to be generated. The tool below will convert between various pools using the Swimming NZ conversion factors. These could be changed for other countries.
XLR8 Points Calculator
XLR8 points are now an important part of the NZ swimming. They are used for comparing swimmers and as a basis for team selection. Therefore knowing your XLR8 points and knowing the times you need to swim to achieve a certain number of XLR8 points is very important. This tool enables swimmers to calculate their XLR8 points for a swim or to calculate the time required to achieved the required XLR8 points.
FINA Points Calculator
FINA points are now an important part of the swimming. They are used for comparing swimmers and as a basis for team selection. Therefore knowing your FINA points and knowing the times you need to swim to achieve a certain number of FINA points is very important. This tool enables swimmers to calculate their FINA points for a swim or to calculate the time required to achieved the required FINA points.
These calculators are kindly supplied by Talbot & CoFINA PointsXLR8 PointsPool Length Conversion