Swimming New Zealand Life Membership awarded to Mary McFarlane in recognition of her services to our swimming community for over 50 years.
Date: 08/05/22
A twelve strong swimming team has been named to represent New Zealand in the pool at the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.
Date: 27/04/22
We are stoked to share that plans for the national events until the end of May 2022 will proceed under the current Covid-19 Protection Framework settings, which will require all participants to have a valid My Vaccine Pass. We can't wait to host you at our national events, and we ask for your assistance to help us do so safely.
Date: 18/02/22
Following the government update regarding Omicron and the decision to move from the orange to the red traffic light setting 2022 Apollo Projects Junior Festivals have been postponed.
Date: 24/01/22
As a result of the ongoing impacts of the Covid-19 lockdown and restrictions throughout the country, we have made some adjustments for 2022 national events with the clear purpose of providing every opportunity for swimmers to race.
Date: 05/11/21