SNZ Events
Epic Swim
High Performance
Congratulations to the 2005 State AquaBlacks Team who will travel to the World Championships in Montreal later this year:
Zoe Baker | Jasi |
Kelly Bentley | Capital |
Lauren Boyle | West Auckland |
Moss Burmester | North Shore |
Annabelle Carey | Aquagym |
Nichola Chellingworth | North Shore |
Elizabeth Coster | North Shore |
Alison Fitch | North Shore |
Cameron Gibson | North Shore |
Melissa Ingram | North Shore |
Dean Kent | North Shore |
Hannah McLean | North Shore |
Helen Norfolk | North Shore |
Glenn Snyders | North Shore |
Corney Swanepoel | North Shore |
Te Rina Taite | North Shore |
Scott Talbot-Cameron | North Shore |
Georgina Toomey | Jasi |
Coaching Team
Jan Cameron | Head Coach |
Thomas Ansorg | Coach |
Gary Hurring | Coach |
Team Manager
Mark Saunders |
Support Staff
Clint Knox | Masseuse |
Patrick Keating | Physiotherapist |