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Swimming Waikato and Wintec partnership aims to develop swimmers in the region

A partnership between Swimming Waikato and Wintec’s Sports Science and Human Performance Department is making huge strides in developing swimmers in the region.

One key project, ready to be launched any day, is the development of a world class pre-activation programme which will be available to every coach and every swimmer in the region.

Swimming Waikato are confident that through this programme their swimmers will benefit hugely through increased flexibility/mobility, body awareness, movement literacy and injury prevention. The pre-activation programme also doubles as entry level strength & conditioning support for junior swimmers.

The programme has been developed, ostensibly, as a swimming-specific warm up that swimmers will benefit from carrying out before training and competition.

The programme will be available online in high resolution video-file format through the Swimming Waikato website. Swimmers and coaches will be able to access these videos on their phones, iPads or laptops.

Each video is accompanied by an instructional voice-over to ensure that the swimmer focuses on the correct technique when carrying out the exercise.

Earlier this week, a group of Waikato coaches headed to Wintec to learn how to deliver this programme to their swimmers.

The session was delivered by Wintec's Shaun Paterson who has developed the programme and it was fantastic to see our coaches experiencing the exercises themselves.

CAPTION: Waikato coaches go through the pre-activation programme with Wintec’s Shaun Paterson.