SNZ Events
Epic Swim
High Performance
Well done to the following swimmers who have qualified and will be attending the Youth Olympic Festival to be held in January this year:
Abbie Johnston | Aquagym |
Aimee Moss | HPK |
Ben Walsh | Porirua Aquatics |
Bradlee Ashby | Fairfield |
Cameron Blair | Manuwatu |
Caroline Baddock | Laser Mt. Eden |
Carter Edgecombe | Fairfield |
George Schroder | Aquagym |
Georgia Marris | United |
Grace Sommerville | Ashburton |
Julian Weir | Aquabladz |
Kelly Scammell | Aquagym |
Max Polianski | United |
Melita Raravula | Northwave |
Monique King | North Shore |
Natasha Lloyd | North Canterbury |
Sam Perry | St Peter’s |
Ted Taylor | Karori Pirates |
Coaching Team
Andrew Nicholls | KiwiWest |
Glenn Hamblyn | Laser Mt. Eden |
Carl Gordon | Ashburton |
Support Staff:
Sandy Turner |
Philip Rush |
Natasha Lloyd - 200m Breaststroke - Bronze |
Bradleey Ashby - 200m Individual Medley - Bronze, 400m Individual Medley - Silver |