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Independent SNZ Review – letter from Ross Butler

Yesterday, the Board of Swimming NZ formally accepted the Report of this Working Group. We support the recommendations.

The Board of SNZ will step aside immediately after the Special General Meeting (see below)

We understand that the drafts of the new Constitution and Transitional Regulations will be released  on Monday 25 June, and note the encouragement by the Working Group Chair for Regions, Clubs, and members to take time to absorb the findings and recommendations. Subject to the release of these documents, and subsequent consideration by the Board, we intend that-

1)  The Board will issue a formal notice of a Special General Meeting, and that the SGM will be held in Wellington, 11am Saturday 28 July. We concur with the Working Group recommendations that voting entitlements of the Regions be the same as applied at the time of the 2011 AGM

2)  The Board will submit a resolution to the SGM that the Working Group recommendations be considered  and adopted in their entirety, including a new Constitution and Transitional Regulations, and

3)  There will be no other remits submitted, or business notified for the meeting.

The Board believes that it would be appropriate to engage with Sue Suckling, as the probable Governance Administrator, on a range of governance, operational and administrative matters, to ensure a smooth and seamless transition after the SGM.

We also note recommendations and comments by the Working Group in relation to High Performance. The recruitment process for a SNZ HP Director will continue, with our HP Governance Committee liaising with the proposed selection panel, and Sport NZ, which will administer the recruitment process.

We thank Chris Moller, Sue Suckling and the Working Group for their professional and comprehensive review of our sport.

Ross Butler
