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The start of something extraordinary

Qualification Information

Technical Qualification Eligibility Criteria          

National Qualification application form can be found below

The following are the current requirement for national qualifications:


Inspector of Turns

Regionally qualified and completed 5 region or sanctioned meets as an IOT.


Regionally qualified and completed minimum of 5 region or sanctioned meets as a starter.


Regionally qualified and completed a minimum 5 centre/region meets as a Referee.

To sit the National Referees examination the candidate must have passed the National IOT and National Starter qualifications and held the most recent one for minimum of six months.

If a candidate is considered suitable and ready to sit an examination a lesser number of meets or period could be accepted by the SNZ TAC for that region.

Chief Referee Open Water

To sit the National Chief Referee Open Water examination, it is preferred that the candidate has worked on three Open Water appointments (with one position being on a boat).  Consideration will be given to those who have worked on two events,  and will be at the discretion of the accessor at the time.

This is a theoritical examination and not a practical examination.


Regional Qualifications

Swimming New Zealand has developed Regional Technical Officials Qualifications for Inspector of Turns, Referees and Starters, to establish consistency across all regions in New Zealand.

If you would like to become regionally qualified, contact your local regional association for more information.

The Regional Technical Officials Qualification questions are below.



Para Swimming

Para swimming is a growing part of the SNZ framework which means we need quality officials to ensure para athletes in New Zealand can participate at all levels.


The World Para Swimming Technical Official (TO) pathway includes the following courses:

  •          IPC Introduction to Para Sport Online Course
  •          WPS Level 1 TO Online Course
  •          WPS Level 2 TO Course
  •          WPS Level 3 TO Course

Each course is designed to help strengthen knowledge in Para swimming technical officiating.


Successfully completing each course will allow officials to continue along the pathway to being selected as a World Para Swimming International Technical Official (ITO)



For more information on Para qualification contact Cameron Leslie cameron@swimming.org.nz