Social Media
Social media is now a widely used tool to help connect and communicate with people, groups and organisations. A social media presence could help spread the word about your club to more people in your community and allow you to communicate more with your current members. These tips can help you make your clubs social media a success.
Marketing Plan
Below is a marketing plan template that can help map out your clubs marketing activities. It covers areas such as club marketing objectives, SWOT Analysis (also see below), Target Market Analysis and how to implement your marketing plan.
SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis is very beneficial for your club in the marketing planning phase. The acronym SWOT comes from the 4 different areas that are analysed, these are the 2 internal factors the Strengths and Weaknesses of the club and the 2 external factors, Opportunities and Threats. Using this in conjunction with the marketing plan (still to come) will ensure that you target the right areas when marketing your club.
A good way to communicate with your members is to send out a weekly or monthly newsletter via email, outlining the happenings within the club. Things to include in your newsletters are things the committee discussed at their last meeting that they feel the members should know about, upcoming events, club contacts, and news items such as swimmers achievements. There are good examples below from Mangere Swimming Club and Neptune Swimming Club. It is also a good idea to post these newsletters to your website for future reference by club members.
Thank-you to Mangere Swimming Club and Neptune Swimming club for permission to use this resource.
SNZ Events
Epic Swim
High Performance