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The start of something extraordinary

Swimming New Zealand Board

The role and responsibility of the Board is to act in the best interests of SNZ and to provide good governance to SNZ including through the following:

a. establishing the whole of sport plan.

b. monitoring and reviewing performance against the whole of sport plan.

c. monitoring and reviewing performance against the annual business plan and budget.

d. addressing the ongoing viability and sustainability of SNZ

e. monitoring regulatory compliance for SNZ.

f. establishing, reviewing, and monitoring policies to guide and govern SNZ.

g. fostering interaction and communication across and within SNZ, Regional Associations and Member Clubs.

h. appointing, monitoring and reviewing the performance of the CEO.

i. adopting and communicating a continual best practice performance culture.

j. preparing annual KPIs and being accountable to Members for achievement of them; and

k. preparing an annual report and procuring an annual audited statement of accounts.


As per the Swimming New Zealand Contitiution the board of Swimming New Zealand consists of six members, with three elected and three appointed. The term for board members is 3 years with one elected and one appointed position requiring reappointment or reelection each year.

Nick Tongue (Chair) Term Expires Sept 2023
Anna Tootill (Deputy Chair) Term Expires Sept 2021
Donna Bridgman Term Expires Sept 2021
Margaret McKee Term Expires Sept 2022
Wayne Rollinson Term Expires Sept 2022
Andrew Kelleher Term Expires Sept 2023


The President receives all Board papers, may attend any Board meeting, and may speak at any Board meeting but has no voting rights.

Board Charter - Swimming NZ - 11 March 2016

Board Member Position Description (9 July 2015)