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The start of something extraordinary

Record number attend education courses

Swimming New Zealand had a record number of people attending several education courses throughout the country over the school holidays.

On offer around the country were several Swim Teacher Award courses, with one course spotting Sonny Bill Williams in the pool and managing to nab a photo with him.

Many swim teachers attended the Early Childhood Swim Teacher Award course.  This course has recently been changed to only one day and has been revamped to include babies and pre-schoolers attending the pool session alongside the swim teachers.

The Teaching Swimmers with Disabilities course was also on offer. The swimmers from one course also managed to get a photo with another sports super star, swimming legend Danyon Loader.

The course completion and stroke workshops that were held were well received by those that attended.

In Auckland there were a few schools attending a Kiwi Swim Safe workshop and to top it off Koru the Kiwi was entertaining the passengers heading off on their journeys on the Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry from Wellington.

It was fantastic to see so many people involved in the Swimming New Zealand education courses and taking away new ideas to try in the pool. Swimmers are certain to reap the rewards from those who attended these courses.

To attend an education course with Swimming New Zealand head to the course calendar on the website to enrol today.