Attention for all swimmers who are looking to qualify for World University Games 2015 to be held in Gwangju, Korea: July 3rd – 14th (12 days)
Please read the following information CAREFULLY.
Return flights from Auckland to Gwangju: $2300
Accommodation $15 per person per day: $180 (this is full board)
Contribution to team fee *: $ TBC
*Team Fee – As you are aware this is a user pays games and as such every team member will be required to pay a fee to cover the cost of team administration. This includes, but is not limited to; Insurances (travel and public liability), freight, team book, team gift, uniform management and distribution, medical/support staff and medical supplies, pre games meetings/admin, HOD site visit, admin support, team environment elements that will bring the team together at games time and the games entry fee. The team fee amount is still to be confirmed but we are now looking at a figure around the $1500 NZD mark. In due course, NSOs will be invoiced for all their respective team members with final payment due 4 – 6 weeks prior to the games.
Apologies for the late notice from NZOC on this one. NO late entries will be accepted.
Please act now on this information.
SNZ Events
Epic Swim
High Performance