Four volunteer coaches from Raumati Raptors Swimming Club in Kapiti (Wellington) have completed Swimming New Zealand’s Swim Teacher Award qualification following the completion of their...
Year 7 students at Casebrook Intermediate, Christchurch participated in 2 weeks of swimming lessons which included the Water Skills for Life competencies.
The Swim Teacher Award Course (STA) recently held Christchurch was attended by 13 participants who spent a Saturday developing their skills and understanding in aquatic...
With the support of New World Churton Park, Easyswim Swim School offered free lessons in aquatic education to more than 450 babies and their parents...
The Early Swim Teacher Award (ECSTA) course is for swim teachers who want to teach under 5s and understand the development of the child in...
Over 35 students in the Bay of Plenty have attended Swimming New Zealand Swim Teacher Award (STA) courses this year, with Education Advisor Erin Fowler,...
Here at SNZ we are incredibly proud of the quality of our education courses delivered on learn to swim and water safety in our community....
Bangkok in Thailand recently hosted the first ever FINA International Clinic - Swimming for All, Swimming for Life – from May 15-17. Participants from 49...
Upokongaro School received a Swimming New Zealand Kiwi Swim Safe award at the recent Swimming New Zealand awards.
Recently Swimming New Zealand were invited by Water Safe Auckland to attend a two-day workshop; Swift Water Personal Skills. The course incorporated Basic Water First...